ik we have bunkoo and pupkoo but where's my kittykoo who looks seokjin directly in the eyes before knocking his shit off a table
where's my kittykoo who happily melts against namjoon and kneads his pecs before gently dozing off? where's my kittykoo that sneaks up next to yoongi in the kitchen and bonks his head against his hyung's as a greeting?
where's! my kittykoo! who snuggles into hoseok's neck and purrs like a fucking motor! who wiggles when jimin scratches at the base of his spine and behind his ears! who gives taehyung's cheek little ticklish grooming licks!! i demand answers!
you'll notice kittykoo is only a tiny asshole to seokjin and that is by design
pls i'm dying at all the members cooing over kittykoo because he's so sweet and docile for them and then there's seokjin who literally just watched jk stick his entire hand in seokjin's glass of iced coffee without hesitation
(but don't get me wrong, jk loves seokjin and seokjin loves jk. it's just seokjin's attention is harder to earn so ofc kittykoo craves it the most and if it requires being a tiny asshole than so be it. but after he's gotten his spanks he's sweet and cuddly for him too 🥰)
(i in fact have a very nice image of seokjin hoisting kittykoo over his shoulder to bring to the bedroom for some 'gentle admonishing' and kittykoo's tail flicking in seokjin's face just to annoy him that little bit further all the while looking smug as hell)
other things kittykoo does inspired by things my cat does: bats at earbuds while in use, chews on laptop chargers (i am literally watching my cat do this while i type), hide in closets snug amongst piles of loose clothing for 12 hours at a time
lick yogurt directly from an offered spoon, sit on elevated surfaces for no reason other than to feel tall (he is already tall), refuse to drink from a glass and ONLY from a dripping tap
at night he'll pace around whenever the members are hanging out and linger at the doorway with a pout, tail flicking, trying to signal that it's bedtime now!!! come to bed with me!!! bc he's sleepy but he won't go unless at least one other person joins him :(
okay i need to be a responsible person and do some work now but yeah anyway pls support the lil bastard kittykoo agenda https://curiouscat.me/yxxnjing 
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