Structured Medication Reviews - a thread.

SMRs are something I'm really enjoying at the minute. Every patient with an SMR today I was able to help in some way. From the person who admitted they're struggling with swallowing, to the patient on meds no longer indicated
but started as far back as 2008. Patients with inadequate analgesia vs patients over-medicated. Patients who didn't want to waste surgery time Vs patients who were embarrassed to admit they were struggling.
SMRs are a fantastic way of looking at the patient as whole, taking into account administration, chronic conditions, physiological/pathological measurements, side effects, patient aims of treatment Vs practitioner aims of treatment.
Today I had some really lovely comments, "wow this is the first time someone has gone through everything", "it is nice to not feel rushed". I feel privileged to be able to be so patient centred. I just can't wait to see them again face to face.
SMRs are the best bit about being a #primarycarenetwork pharmacist so far. Love that I can schedule patients in for a follow up to monitor meds changes, and that they know me by name. It means a lot to know that I can made such a difference. ♥️
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