i was just re reading one of my astrology books and it said the house Pluto is in shows you can best help human evolution and help transform the group consciousness. it’s like your role in the revolution. it makes so much sense.
pluto is what’s invisible on the underworld so it’s like pluto in sag is learning about what’s invisible and traveling to a new place in order to establish truth. it expands and is generous outwardly. the book very clearly stated that if Pluto is in a masculine sign+
the energy will be dominating, outgoing and positive. If in a passive & receptive force that is feminine, it allows itself to be used. this is why pluto in scorpio (fem) was used to reveal. they experienced and pluto in sag (masc) is supposed to take information & run with it.
the most important part is not the sign pluto is in though. it’s the HOUSE. what house is pluto in for you? that’s how you help this revolution
i believe pluto in houses 2,6,10 are going to be actually taking on productive roles in terms of the institutuitions. occupying new jobs, on the physical plane.

i believe 1,5,11 are specifically supposed to be involved with on the floor protests, the creative scene (artists)
1,5,11 you defend using your (body, 1st house. 5th house self expression, creativity, tell the story. journalism. tweet. 11th house is the one in the parties, the movements as a member, gathering people. these are the leaders at the protest or the ones partaking in a large body)
it’s supposed to be 1,5,9 but i just don’t see that. i see 3,7,9 and 4,8,12.

3rd and 7th house are very social based houses. these are the ones who stimulate their close communities. 3rd house is teaching others, learning, door to door knocking. social things near you.
7th is your relation to others. these people would be good speaking to the oppressors or convincing the other side. i can easily see white people with pluto 7H being great allies or the hidden enemy. either way they convince the close relations

9th house are the ones
with wisdom who will also be teaching to the world but also the ones who travel and absorb foreign policies and ideas in order to bring them here. they are the ones who think big and abstract. they’re the “abolish it all. here’s how we need to do it.” a spiritual leader as well
the 4,8,12th are spiritual houses and more internal so i think they would run underground solutions. they dig up the unknown. think an*nymous. they also nurture and create safe spaces in the home. think hiding pr*testors in homes and the chaz in seattle. nurturing. spiritual
the houses also have professions/occupations attached to them. which would EASILY divide where our expertise is and where we should move towards.
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