This has gone too far, and I'm not hiding anymore.

It's been 48 hours since the attacks by adamcy_'s community happened on our Twitch channel. I don't even care about myself anymore, I'm worried for the safety of the community and @Twitch staff themselves.

Prepare for a thread.
Streamers are being raided and our name is being used. Others who have commented have had personal info found. Plots have been made in this group's @discord and @Facebook page for further raids.

And now @Twitch staff is being attacked now for investigating this.

Keep reading.
The team assigned to work on this investigation received threats and harassment, to the point of DELETING the internal support channel regarding this.

Essentially, @Twitch DOESN'T HAVE ENOUGH STAFF OR RESOURCES TO SUPPORT THEIR OWN TEAMS something needs to change.

Keep reading.

While @Twitch is what gives us the ability to stream, they give us a lot more than that, and while we should be able to rely on safety, we also need to be able to help them when THEY need it. Our voices are powerful.

So here's the plan.
I'm speaking with a lawyer, and the Partner/community in question were reported to the proper authorities.

@discord and @Facebook, connect with me and let me send screenshots of how they've been using your platforms to organize hateful raids.

Set up 2FA on ALL of your accounts, through multiple sources. In fact, we are running a giveaway in our Discord server right now (message for invite) for proof that you've done so, to promote safety and security for the community. We need to work together.

And one more thing,
To those at @Twitch who may not be, or NEED to be aware of this issue, CC: @eshear, @mowseler, @CohhCarnage, @djWHEAT, @ShamanomTV, @Growlibi

Pass this to WHOEVER needs it. Your staff does not have the tools to appropriately defend themselves, northe community.

How can we help?
We ALL want to support our platform, and make it a safer space for creators and @Twitch staff alike.

Talk is cheap, and it's time to come together against hate. Share this with your community, friends, mom, dog, I don't care, just use your voice and let's be better TODAY.
You can follow @PlayWithJambo.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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