Fellow white folks, you probably made bad choices. It's not exactly okay, but the world is right now shaped to help you make those bad choices easily and thoughtlessly.

Those choices are on your shoulders tho, not the people who point them out. https://twitter.com/bleongambetta/status/1273295940288417793
If you punish BIPOC for standing up to your racist choices, you are making the problem insidiously worse.

A thing that *is* okay, is owning up to those bad choices and working to undo that harm.
When the folks at @aznsrepresent point out the myriad ways "Oriental Adventures" was racist, don't argue don't make excuses. Who the fuck cares if it was a different time? It was racist. It is racist. Fix the problem. If you don't know how, hire the people who can.
Please, PLEASE listen to folks who are speaking up, even if you feel like they are being hard on you. You can hire a sensitivity consultant and they will help you make it right.

Whatever you do, DON'T MAKE THINGS WORSE.
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