The reason I loathe the Hinata is soft baby concept is that it's a misunderstanding of his character, and it comes from this misguided idea that being positive and caring are traits only out of innocence and naivete

But it's so far from the truth, this panel beautifully shows it
He isn't fun and loving out of naivete, he knows the world is unfair and yet chooses to challenge it, he's hella emotionally smart because he has the perspective of someone who had to fight for everything, nothing was given to him easily
That isn't a soft baby who doesn't understand the world and must be protected at all costs, that is someone who is always fighting hard to stand where he does cuz he knows it's OVER if he doesn't.

I'm sure characters see this side of Hinata only when they get to know him better-
they ultimately understand that he isn't some naive kid seeking a helpless impossible dream, he is DEAD SERIOUS about it, and that's why it is so sad and melancholic when you think about it, the fact that Hinata knows he is fighting a battle that may not pay off IS sad
but he still does it while smiling, he won't show that melancholy on the surface, it's only something you notice only if you pay him attention

Like his coach says at that moment "perhaps he's gone through some sort of difficult experience before?" oh man, if only you knew
So, knowing just how self aware of everything Hinata is, of course he empathizes with others. Even if he doesn't understand their problems to the fullest, he'll extend a hand and smile, he knows a little push CAN make the difference
He's a very smartly written underdog character because while he UNDERSTANDS his shortcomings, he also learns that the world isn't that black and white, that those who could have it all from the start weren't only "blessed", they worked hard too

Hinata takes nothing for granted
And despite this all, he still is a goof and fun person, isn't that just the best?

Hinata Shoyo is so much more than some people give him credit for
Please pay him attention
Please love how hard he's fought

He's the sun for a reason
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