Okay, y'all, here's a thread of my writing on white supremacy, Christianity, & the Klan as well as links to various Twitter threads that I've done more recently.

I hope this is useful to y'all.
Second, here's a longish thread based on my essay about how white folks, who might appear nice & decent, can also be racists. https://twitter.com/kelly_j_baker/status/1024331493403971589
Third, this is thread in which I kind of lose my sh*t about how folks try to claim that the Klan is fringe when really they aren't. https://twitter.com/kelly_j_baker/status/897790337946710016
Fourth is one of my favorite threads, in which I explain how white women have long fostered, upheld & maintained white supremacy. https://twitter.com/kelly_j_baker/status/1060207435821051905
This fifth one is my most recent thread about how we continue to live in the Klan's America. https://twitter.com/kelly_j_baker/status/1271876057461927936
The fab @BradleyOnishi interviewed me about the Klan & the Religious Right for @StraightWhiteJC https://twitter.com/BradleyOnishi/status/1189906399695818752
And oh, yeah, I did write a book about white supremacy & American religion, so I should probably point y'all to it.

And finally, y'all can tune in tomorrow (June 18) to hear me & @SikhProf talk about Christianity & the Klan. https://twitter.com/SikhProf/status/1273284200435679232
Here's the video of my interview with @SikhProf on Christianity, white supremacy & the Klan.

I offer some advice to white parents & say my piece on forgiveness 😬 https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=2799199793648231&ref=watch_permalink
You can follow @kelly_j_baker.
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