2./ Alex born a male, decided to identify as a woman at the age of 40. Alex doesn't believe "she" should have to take hormones, have an op or even shave "her" beard. Alex calls "herself" a lesbian and was a trans advisor for charity Stonewall. Here Alex explains the beard. 👇
3./ @Dannythefink you must assume the 24000 followers of @ALLIANCELGB are just idiots. Yet, we are genuinely concerned the idea of a so-called gender spectrum ends up erasing gay people. Here's a trans activist arguing that gay people don't exist. 👇
5./ Can I respectfully suggest you research this subject more? Have you heard of a journalist called @VictoriaPeckham ? She works for a newspaper called @thetimes and recently tweeted this about the denial of biological sex. Yes really. https://twitter.com/VictoriaPeckham/status/1271348726326595584?s=20
6./ Here's a BBC educational video that tells primary school kids there are over 100 gender identities (including male and female). By conflating gender identity and sex and merging them both into a mish-mash spectrum it does indeed deny biological sex its proper place.👇
7./ You're effectively comparing an entire movement concerned about the advance of some extreme transgender notions (such as self-ID) to a bloke in Yorkshire making silly tweets. That's beneath you. We'd be happy rationally to explain more if you like. All best.
8./ And for those unable to see beyond the paywall, the section about trans rights and the denial of biological sex 👇Apparently it’s just a Yorkshire pudding of a row; ie all invented as clickbait. Who knew?!
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