"The goal of the US in pursuing these...sanctions...against the regime & its enablers is...to promote accountability & deny them access to the internat'l financial system until a...solution to the Syria conflict can be reached," says Amb. James Jeffrey. https://english.aawsat.com/node/2339386 
It's important for the Assad regime and its supporters [Iran, Russia, @NIACouncil] to recognize the following three things about the Ceasar sanctions: 1) Today is the beginning of sustained campaign, not a one-and-done event. The ratchet will continue to turn. 2) There is a huge
bipartisan consensus supporting these sanctions. Punishing the Assad regime is one of the few issues in US foreign policy in which Democrats and Republicans are marching in lockstep. Meaning: Don't think, Assad & @NIACouncil, that a Biden victory would change a thing. And finally
3) Note that the White House, State Department and Treasury are also marching in lockstep on this. There is no internal Trump administration debate either. The pain that the Assad regime is feeling today is just the beginning. I notice with satisfaction that Asma Assad, Bashar's
wife, who once adorned the cover of Vogue, is personally sanctioned for the first time, because she is a war profiteer. My only disappointment is that her father in London is not on the list. God willing, the hammer will one day drop on him too.
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