Inequality and discrimination is rife in the environmental sector. Sexism, homophobia, racism, and more.

It's holding so many back, and it's holding the sector as a whole back. Lets highlight that, and act as a collective voice for change #DiscriminationDatabase

How to help:
Have you experienced discrimination or unfairness in your career? Have you found it difficult to get into the industry, or found it necessary to leave? Maybe you don't work in the sector but you've felt uncomfortable or unwelcome in the countryside?
First, tell us something that you're proud of in your work. Lets celebrate the value of diversity! If you feel able, tell us about your experience of inequality. Tag the organisation if you can.
If you want to contribute but would rather stay anonymous, DM me and I'll post on your behalf.

Tag us, or use the hashtag #DiscriminationDatabase.
If you haven't experienced these things first hand, you can still play a really important role. We need your support. Read, listen, empathise. Then share, follow, support, and amplify. Tell us your views, and how you're acting to enact change.
Our sector is so important! Lets make sure that everyone can play their part.

You can follow @DiscrimDatabase.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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