Today in the state of the TTRPG industry:

Harassing someone because they encouraged being kind to each other.

If you jump on people's threads just to talk shit about a place I need you to fuck all the way off.
And nah. I can't keep this to myself. I had a friend write a really good thread about how your social media interactions get noticed by companies. If you want to get hired, maybe act with kindness instead of shitposting.
She said such controversial things as: "Don't retweet without doing your research." and "Don't shit on someone's work and then ask them to hire you." and my personal favorite "Give companies credit when they fix their problems instead of constantly harping on it."
She said, it costs $0.00 to be kind.

And then people literally started harassing her.
And not just fighting with her. But also emailing her place of work.

She deleted the thread.

I'd like to think she deleted it because all that truth was making her too powerful and she didn't want to forget all us little people.
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