I've thought for a long time about my "stance" about kids on YouTube (and in the ASMR space). Based on my personal experiences with being "seen" on the internet and its (positive AND negative) consequences, I can't in good faith promote or recommend that any parent allow it.
I have been making skits and videos since I could hold a camera (and my mom would edit the VHS tape). It gives me a weird feeling to imagine those videos online, public, for the world to see now. If your kid is interested, LET them film, foster their creativity, but protect them.
You should, without a doubt, control who is viewing your child and their content. You cannot control that when you post it publicly on YouTube. Post it on Facebook to your private friends list at most. But ultimately, I just don't think it's safe right now.
There are little to no protections and laws that will save your kids (or you, adult) from consequences ranging from small to traumatic due to posting online. The internet is a lawless land and you're naive if you feel safe on it tbh.
The older your child is, the more you can have frank, realistic discussions with them and their choices, because being a prolific youtuber obviously has its monetary perks. Children working for money (even when its "fun") is a moral question in itself but it's too circumstantial
-to argue as a black-and-white "children should nEVER work!" stance. But there are many times where the potential for exploiting children is seriously prevalent and/or conceivable. Coupled with the fact that a lot of parents DON'T grasp the gravity of the internet's publicity.
Anyway. I think promoting creativity (in the form of imitating their favorite YouTubers too) is amazing!!! But I don't think the risks are being properly assessed, and I sadly have come to the conclusion that kids really shouldn't post on YouTube in general, or ASMR either.
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