(1 of 6) Don’t be a sheep.

Do not be afraid to think for yourself. Modern America faces challenges – domestic and international, economic, political, and moral. That fact is not new, even if issues are.
(2 of 6) Thinking for yourself is one of the biggest privileges we enjoy in a free society. It is also a duty, since only by using that freedom, do we preserve our free and good society.
(3 of 6) The swirl and whir of politically charged media threatens to distract us every day. Let us be honest.
(4 of 6) The click-clack of constant joust-and-attack disrupts our power to think, erodes confidence in our own judgment, causes hesitation rather than willingness to act on independent thought.
(5 of 6) That peril – loss of independent thought – is, believe it or not, a threat to our society’s long-term balance and survival. It threatens the openness of society since oppression of independent thinking, by definition, closes a society.
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