After talking to a bunch of other devs this morning, it’s time for some Steam Summer Festival hot takes!

1) There are way too many games involved. We’ve participated in so many digital events lately, and I can say without a doubt that strong curation has benefitted us the most.
2) Games that are already popular seem to be benefitting the most. I’m guessing this is due to the “Most Wishlisted” section on the front page.

Really unfortunate for newer games that could really use a boost in visibility!
3) Looping a broadcast on your Steam page seems to help with traffic / getting eyes, but I’m not sure how that’s translating to wishlists. Yesterday we streamed 24 hours of Floppy Knights content, which didn’t seem to boost us much.
4) I really like how Steam grouped games by genre to help folks find what they’re looking for… but there are still SOOO many games to compete with, I’m not sure how much it’s actually helping visibility.

It’s nice they shuffle the featured games so everyone gets a chance.
5) Actual wishlist additions from day 1 seem to vary wildly. I’ve heard as low as 10 and as high as 2,000 - with the games that already have higher wishlists tending to do better (to add to point #2.)
All this said, I’m still very happy that Steam is doing this. I hope that these digital events continue to improve (and hopefully become a bit more curated!) Very curious what PAX’s online event will look like later this year.
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