Top 5 investing advice

1. Invest in what you know

This sounds simple, but if you know an industry invest there

For me Medical Device and Pharmaceuticals are what I know, this is what I hold in my individual stock portfolio

Much easier to keep up with industries that you know
2. When you buy, do not give in on quality of company

There is a reason the top company in the industry is the top

$JNJ & $ABT are two of the big dogs in Medical Device, there is a reason for this

Long track records pay
3. Buying a stock with a long-term view is the best method

If you purchase thinking that the stock will go up in 6 months that raises your risk

If you buy $MCD cause you think they will be the best fast food place for the next 50 years this is better

Timeline matters
4. Only listen to trusted people for advice

A lot of people will give you advice

I have told my story on here about someone recommending $LK to me before the crash (trading at 35$/share)

It is your money

If you want to gamble at least get the comp room in vegas
5. Low-Cost Index Funds are best most people

I personally use index funds to keep things simple

A small % of my investing is in individual stocks

There is a reason the top funds struggle with beating the S&P

You spending a few hours a week likely won't get it done either
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