The Melissa Vendella theory is a hoax and actually makes zero sense - a thread
TW: S*icide

As most of you know Avril Lavigne has been the subject of a conspiracy theory that claims she took her own life in 2003 and was replaced by a look-alike named Melissa Vendella
The theory has a two verations

▶ she took her life because of her grandfather passing

▶ She couldn't handle the fame
So here's the thing, this all originated from a Brazlian blog and the creators themselves SAID IT WAS FAKE

However, some of you tinfoil melissa vendilliots are still convinced for whatever reason so allow me to take a deep dive into why this theory is fake.
First and foremost, the theory was an inside joke in brazil and the blog it came from was a blog about how easy it was to make conspiracy theories look true. And Avril wasn't even the only victim. Hers was just the one that blew up
It didn't help Shane Dawson resurrected the theory in it's entirety in 2017

No disrespect to him but js
Now that that's out of the way lets look into why it makes literally no sense...
First off, they attribute Avril's voice change to the theory...

Have you guys ever heard of VOCAL TRAINING. It's this thing were you do certain warm ups and your voices changes and gets better. Strange concept right....
At the beginning of her career Avril intentionally sung in a husky tone to fit the tone of her songs. There was also a lot of pressure on her larrings and she was singing in a darker tone. This youtuber VocalHacks explains it better
Another keypart
Plus literally everyone uses TBDT preformences as examples, here's her singing "I Love You" in a darker tone in 2011 and it sounds like 2002 Avril (keep in mind this is a 9 year age difference though-)
So as you can see her voice change is just vocal training and different techniques it's not rocket science.
"She changed everything about herself"

Avril said herself she liked singing her more upbeat songs prior to the TBDT and think...If Melissa was real WHY WOULD SHE DRASTICALLY CHANGE HER IMAGE IF SHE'S TRYING TO CONVINCE TO PEOPLE SHE'S AVRIL??? Like does that make any sense to u?
Loads of other artist have changed their sound and appearence at some point.... Gaga, Taylor, Kesha, Katy Perry, Ect... By that logic they're all dead too
Plus do you really expect her to act exactly the same 20 years straight and have the same ideals and stuff. She's literally almost 36

When i was 8, i said liking guys was gross and now i have 200+ photos of Timothée Chalamet on my phone 😭😭
Plus she went through her grandfather's death. Death is traumatic for everyone (unless you hated the person) It's not uncommon for people to change drastically after a traumatic event
I even heard some say "slipped away" was about Avril herself when it's about her grandfather. The fact you'd even take that song and flip the context to fit some dumbass theory is mad gross
And about the beauty marks, those type of things can disappear over time when people AGE and some photos are photoshopped. The fact that i even have to say this...
"She'd never make hello kitty"

First off, what's with the hate for this song? If it had been released by kesha or katy (yes I'm pulling a lana but all are talented queens) it would've went #1 and it would be in those year of music comp videos you guys post every month-
-And you guys would love it. But since Avril did it and you only wanna put her in this box of emo rock songs, the second she tries something different y'all go insane, she said herself prior it was different than all her other stuff
Plus you can literally tell it's the same person 😭😭
Now with all that info (specially me clarifying that the creators themselves SAID it was FAKE)

you can stop being a clown now. She ACTUALLY almost died from Lyme diseases but she survived and made a comeback singles that's heavily slept on, stream:
While you're here:
Notice if you change her hair to blonde she looks exactly how she would in 2007. #JFCAvrilLavigne
Another good thread in spanish
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