I was offline yesterday for most of the day so am just seeing this now. I’m glad racism in film editing is getting pointed out because it’s real and we are an abysmally white part of the industry. 1/?? #editorssowhite https://twitter.com/Nicole_saysLove/status/1273024834193195009
There are lots of us who have been working on this for a while now, but not nearly enough is being done, especially by those who can actually hire editors. I bang the drum a lot about the need for women in editorial and am often faced with people saying...2/
‘there are so many women in post!!’ to which I respond that 75% male isn’t really a great ratio and if people think 75% male means there are ‘so many women’ we have a serious problem. But the gender statistics are a dream compared to those of BIPOCs. 3/
It’s a huge issue. I think the makeup of writers rooms gets talked about, and show-runners and directors get a lot of attention. But let me tell you: no is paying attention to editorial because we’re a generally quiet, behind the scenes part of the process. 4/
But it is no less important. Editors put the damn movie or episode together first. It’s our edit & WE decide when we’re seeing what. Yes, of course it’s a collaboration, but the first version of every movie or episode -the starting point that everyone works from - is OUR POV. 5/
So yeah, it matters who’s cutting the footage. It really REALLY matters. 6/FIN. #editorssowhite
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