Hey everybody, Barry here. I’m on my way to elkton now for today’s BLM protest that has experienced threats of violence from local right-wing groups. As I see things/stuff occurs I’ll add it to this thread, I’m also happy to answer any questions y’all have
I’m at the parking lot which the counter protesters have claimed as their “command center”, it doesn’t seem like they’ve arrived yet
Just finished talking to a member of the town council who was wearing a misfits shirt, he fuckin ruled
Just circled back around to the “command center” and still nobody here, they said that they were gonna arrive at 12 but ig they’re late, I’m going to get some coffee
Mark Baughan, the subject of my thread the other night, has arrived and is currently in this truck. He is on a radio and is definitely talking ab me bc I wasn’t very sneaky taking this picture
I’m really just hanging out and looking at this dude’s bizarre “christian flag” on the back of the truck
Mark came over to my car to speak to me, he informed that he was scared that I was “some antifa” and mentioned twice that he had black grandchildren, very weird exchange overall, 3/10
2 more trucks have arrived, it’s hard to get pictures w the rain but I’ll take them when I can
Here’s one of them, the other just pulled out. Didn’t recognize the guy in the truck that just left, and cant get a good view of the other one. Don’t wanna move around just yet w how suspicious Mark seemed
This lexus just arrived and took the spot of the truck that left, the stopped briefly to talk to Mark, who seems like he may be the leader
I have received word of some kind of fascist gathering occurring at an episcopal church in grottoes, I’m on my way there now
I am at the episcopal church, however no one else is. This may have just been a false alarm but I’ll hang around for a little before going back to the main event
I am back at these dorks’ command center, there are a lot of trucks covered in right-wing bumper stickers driving around, I’ll take pics as I can
Mark seems to be speaking w a friend, these are the only trucks that I can confirm are affiliated w the group
Two more vehicles have arrived
And now we’ve got two more cars, head count is at 6 currently
Got our first three percenter sticker on the left side of this truck’s back windshield, I’ll be recording license plates as well
Red truck guy over here is new, I have become very bored
This old guy is conversing w Mark, once they leave their cars I’ll get out but I’m not standing in the rain to hear whatever bullshit they’re discussing
Hard to see him but this guy got out of his car. He’s wearing a plate carrier with a visible handgun, 3 extra magazines, and at least 2 rifle magazines. He also may have a skull mask around his neck but it’s hard for me to tell
Guy from previous tweet is now pointing directly at me from inside his car, not great
I believe the furthest silver truck is James L Thompson, the Qanon guy from the original post
Circled in this picture is the top of Jason Ashley McDaniel’s Jeep, the man who started all of this insanity
A small crowd is beginning to form, very hard to parse out the ideological differences here, or even just who is with what group, so ig I’m getting out of the car to trh and figure that out
This is the group that’s gathered so far, I’m waiting to get out for a little longer, I’m also gonna move over to the protest site around 5
I’ve been standing outside my car just nonchalantly listening to them talk, nothing too crazy yet. They seem suspicious but no one has approached me
I was correct about the guy in the plate carrier, he is indeed wearing a skull/siege mask, big piece of modern fascist propaganda. All protesters avoid him
I’m at the protest site now, I won’t be posting pictures of any protesters
Here is our first view of counter protesters, there’s two w the flag and then the guy w the hat, weird vibes
Here we’ve got a group of counter protesters across the parking lot
The guy circled on the left just responded to a speaker saying “there are white supremacists here” with a “yes sir there are.” The dipshits holding the flag are yelling at me
One solo armed guy and one group of guys who are armed, one wearing a plate carrier. Flag guy also spit on me
There are more small groups of counter protesters filtering in but I’m listening to my homie grace give a speech
I had a video that I was trying to post but my service is garbage, the main point rn is not the counter protesters, these speakers are phenomenal, shout out to all of them
As speakers have turned to a more emotional tone, counter protesters have completely fallen silent
There’s a black car that’s been driving back and forth for a while, going to check that out
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