Marvel jumps into the horror anthology water with DC as TOWER OF SHADOWS #1 is published OTD in 1969. Immediately there's controversy, as Jim Steranko is unhappy with how Stan retitled his leadoff story and rejected his cover. It would lead to @iamsteranko working freelance.
Steranko created the award-winning story as a Lovecraft homage - "The Lurking Fear at Shadow House" - but Stan didn't get the connection. (At one point he suggested "Let Them Eat Cake.") It would be reprinted in black & white three years later in VAMPIRE TALES #2.
More trouble with TOWER OF SHADOWS #1: Marvel hired EC mainstay Johnny Craig to bring his horror touch to the mag, but Stan felt that it lacked the company zing. John Romita would rework the entire story, especially the faces.
That's Digger as the horror host of TOWER OF SHADOWS (a la Crypt Keeper, Uncle Creepy, Cain & Abel), but he would be dumped in favor of writers or artists presenting their own stories. Here's Wally Wood - BOTD - introducing a tale from issue #5.
TOWER OF SHADOWS & its sister CHAMBER OF DARKNESS would struggle, despite contributions from Marvel's finest. Reprints would begin outnumbering original tales, and by #10 it was renamed CREATURES ON THE LOOSE, eventually becoming a home for Gullivar Jones, Thongor, and Man-Wolf.
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