I'm going to make some maybe obvious guesses as to what's going on with crying mcmuffin cop, psychologically. I don't think the mcmuffin is her real problem here. https://twitter.com/elijahdaniel/status/1273226952518692865
This cop is probably just now waking up to the fact that she's assigned herself to a profession that people have legitimate reason to fear and loathe. She probably expected a hero's sandwich that day, and instead got cold coffee.
A lot of cops get promised that the shit they have to go through to become cops will be worth it because, like soldiers, people will later thank them for their service. A lot of cops are just now waking up to the fact that the "bad apples" have ruined that for them.
But instead of trying to prove to people that they aren't actually as bad as their peers make them appear, they are taking the victim posture and appealing to people to like them again. And why should we like them? Because they are cops. That's it! That's the whole reason.
What's most interesting to me is that she shot this video and semi-spontaneously started to cry, then posted it. She really believed that this would work to get people back on her side - crying about a late breakfast after 5 black men were lynched in the past week.
She's crying about breakfast when there is a tweet thread that shows over 500 instances of the police brutalizing peaceful protesters. 500 instances of cops pepper spraying, striking, cuffing, or otherwise actively abusing human beings, and she's crying over mcmuffin neglect
But what she's really crying about, is that she's not the hero she thought she was, as proven by the 500 instances of cops abusing the real victims; people like you and me. She feels bad because she joined the wrong team, but she'd rather blame that on breakfast than herself
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