They find that in May 2020, there were 15 million MORE non-elderly individuals living in families with weekly earnings below the #poverty line than in Feb. 2020.

This shows the extent to which families have lost earnings & may now need government help to meet basic needs.
Many of these families do receive government help, so they would be above the #poverty line if the data allowed us to account for that government assistance.

However, these earnings-based poverty rates show us the large increase in need & the importance of relief measures.
These data also show how #COVID19 is widening racial disparities.

Black & Latino workers not only are overrepresented in some of the hard-hit industries but were already at a disadvantage due to long-standing inequitable policies & practices in employment, education, & housing.
All racial and ethnic groups have experienced sharp earnings losses, but the share of the non-elderly population living with below-poverty earnings started higher and rose more for Black and Latino individuals than for white individuals.
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