The amazing thing to me about the cop crying about having to wait for her egg mcmuffin and feeling scared is that the police unions are the ones who have made her afraid. Cops love to spin *stories* of having their food messed with, which then prove baseless.
So she’s afraid of a myth invented by her colleagues who have a martyr complex, and then passed along as gospel by police unions, for the precise purpose of making individual cops like her feel like everything’s a threat and everyone’s an enemy
The facts show that being a cop is not actually a particularly dangerous job, but their internal mythology depends on two contradictory ideas: that they’re all very brave, and that they frequently fear for their lives in the mere presence of unarmed black people
So they have to invent this reality where the whole world is terrifying and dangerous and profoundly threatening, or else the myth of the inherent bravery of cops falls apart.
And, like, obviously she believes it! She seems to be genuinely terrified of having to wait for her McDonald’s breakfast! But that itself is terrifying to *me*, because her fear level is precisely what determines whether other people live or die
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