After 6 months of training you suddenly have a job with excellent benefits, a pension, and after two years are guaranteed a yearly raise for the next 5 years. Not to mention community perks like free gym memberships.
There is a union dedicated to protecting your rights. You get to carry a gun and drive fast cars. And suddenly people who would have treated you like garbage at your minimum wage job respect and fear you.
One friend who got an engineering degree from Colorado School of Mines became a cop because he couldn’t find a job in his field
Another friend could afford to buy a whole ass house a year after becoming an officer when before she was living with her parents
It’s nice to imagine every cop joined for selfless reasons and wants to put their life on the line for their community but at the end of the day it’s a job that can quickly change a person’s financial situation and boost their ego. Stop romanticizing it #BLM
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