If you are wondering why FL is such a fucked up state:
1) Over 80% of state revenue is dependent on sales taxes.
2) An overly large portion of the state's population lives on investment income instead of employment income, either because they are retired or wealthy. https://twitter.com/fineout/status/1273241572562403328
3) The vast majority of business owners rely on tourism to make ends meet, so anything that shuts it down is something the state government is desperate to make go away as quickly as possible, even if it means lying to everyone that everything is fine.
4) The FL GOP put together this "business plan" for the state decades ago, with the help of interested parties who wanted an entire state to play in where there were little to no taxes, little to no upward pressure on wages, lots of warm sunshine,
and politicians who were easy to bribe. Many of the players who helped get 45 elected are hiding here in FL, and all rely heavily on being able to launder money, I mean, make investments, in the stock market.
6) Because of this business plan, FL cannot afford things like expanding Medicaid (even when the feds pay for the vast majority of it), and as a matter of fact will do everything to cut back on public health as much as possible (the stories I could tell),
is 45th in education spending, and will do everything it possibly can to not have to pay out unemployment.

And now, here we are. The FL GOP can't just cover up a global pandemic, no matter how hard they try, and so state revenue is drying up right quick,
and everyone but those living on investments or who are fortunate enough to have a job that does not rely on tourism, is fucked.
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