I'm going to present some charts again. I am starting to wonder at what point some of these states will start to take this seriously. I ask this because things are getting bad - fast - in them.
Texas, the past week has been terrible. Yesterday, though...

At what point do you get worried?
Arizona, the past week has been terrible. Yesterday, though...

At what point do you get worried?
Florida, the past week has been terrible. Yesterday, you broke another record...

At what point do you get worried?
Nevada, the past week has been terrible. Yesterday, you broke another record...

At what point do you get worried?
Oregon, the past week has been terrible. Yesterday, you broke another record...

At what point do you get worried?
Texas addendum. Deep in the bowels of the data.

"On June 16, Texas reported an additional 1,476 backlogged cases from prison inmates in Anderson and Brazoria counties."

So yesterday was still their WORST DAY YET, but not as dramatic as the chart shows.
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