I’ll be honest. I do agree with almost 100 percent of the Libertarian Party platform. I would like to move away from government programs that have done nothing to decrease poverty, and I would like to see the United States return to rugged individualism.
But here’s the thing...
I realize that not everyone in the country feels the same way I do. I also realize that means I will not get everything I want.
So what I think is productive is to focus on goals that others want as well.
End the wars, end the war on drugs, let people make their own decisions.
These are three easy goals to unite behind with others. Even some who would vehemently disagree in other areas.
Once I can find common ground with someone, I can then start to tackle the issues we don’t agree on. In that scenario, there’s already a bridge.
Then I can start talking about more subjects that still aren’t controversial but are not known to the average person. Problems with the Federal Reserve, quantitative easing, artificially low interest rates, and how that guts our economy.
From there we can start to discuss controversial economic issues like the minimum wage or regulations that don’t actually serve their purpose. After seeing that I approach issues from a standpoint of logic, those who might disagree will at least listen.
I arrived at my current views from listening to people whose opinions I respected. I never really listened to idealogues screaming from the sidelines.
I also didn’t care about the Federal Reserve or occupational licensing when I first became a Libertarian.
Ending the wars, the war on drugs, passionate immigration, and stupid regulations were what brought me in. Then after further research, I began to discover more issues with which I agreed.
Libertarians should reach out to those who have common ground. We shouldn’t alienate them. I joined on common ground, and in time, I evolved.
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