At the hearing room for the House Judiciary Cmte’s markup of a major police reform bill. This is what the hearing room looks like
/2 This is where the press is supposed to sit (the balcony section in the Capitol Visitor’s Center Auditorium.)
/3 Only one member here in person so far - @RepKarenBass
/4 Looks like @RepDean here as well
/6 Judiciary Cmte staff now briefing members attending hearing remotely about tech issues, ie how to speak during hearing, how to look at 5-minute clock, etc. Members are no more tech savvy than middle-aged reporters.
/7 Republicans now walking in. Jim Jordan, Mike Johnson, Louie Gohmert are not wearing masks, while ALL the Dems are wearing them. This is gonna be an issue
/8 Jordan is wearing one now after talking to Bass. Doug Collins is wearing one.
/9 It is not easy to do these hybrid in-person/remote hearings. I give the staff a lot of credit for getting this together, but we'll see how it goes.
/10 Judiciary Cmte staff now waiting for video feeds to begin fully streaming before hearing starts.
/11 Karen Bass, who is taking the lead for House Dems on police reform, is making the rounds with all the Republicans in the room. She's talked to Jordan, Gaetz, Gohmert, and Biggs.
/12 Now the Rs wearing masks (even Gohmert, although he's only partly covered.) Biggs & McClintock only ones who aren't wearing masks at this point.
/13 Nadler gavels the hearing into order
/14 Nadler announces that Jim Sensenbrenner's wife of 43 years has passed away.
/15 Nadler now reading guidance that says masks are required for members at cmte hearings. McClintock & Biggs are not wearing masks and do nothing. Nadler moves on.
/16 Nadler starts the markup. Says “Black Lives Matter,” names a long list of African-Americans killed by police officers. Notes 227 House Dems are already sponsoring Justice in Policing Act, which means it will pass next week on floor
/17 Nadler: "Thoughts and prayers are not enough."
/18 Jordan speaking now. Says the "vast majority of police officers do a great job." Calls defunding the police "one of the craziest public policy proposals I've ever heard."
/19 Jordan: "I hope the Democrats will work with us... Not one single Republican was talked to about the bill we are marking up today."
/20 Bass: "Black Americans have been marching for over 100 years to address this gross injustice" they face at the hands of police officers.
/21 Bass: "A profession where you have the power requires we have highly trained officers accountable to the public."
/22 Bass says America solves health, societal and economic problems by throwing more money at police departments
/23 Bass says she was long afraid that her interactions with police officers may result in her death
/24 Mike Johnson calls Dem bill "a flawed product." Says Dems "have locked us out of the room" on drafting legislation.
/25 Amendment process now begins. Nadler offers substitute amendment to rename the bill "The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020."
/26 Other changes in Nadler substitute would limit qualified immunity for federal officers, and would ban use of facial recognition technology.
/27Mark Meadows, former House member and now WH chief of staff, is at this hearing
/28 Kelly Armstrong (R-N.D.) offers and amendment to require audio recordings of in-custody interviews by federal agents/officers, including interrogations. FBI doesn't tape interviews, for instance. Armstrong raises Michael Flynn & Paul Manafort cases.
/29 Nadler asks Armstrong to withdraw amendment, says Dems want to work with him on this. Armstrong says no.
/30 Matt Gaetz supports Armstrong's amendment. "There is no excuse for federal law enforcement in this country not to tape an interview....," Gaetz says. Talks about "Russia hoax" and Flynn.
/31 Just to go back to mask issue - Biggs is now wearing. The only R who hasn't worn one at all during the hearing is McClintock.
/32 Rs continue to push Armstrong amendment requiring FBI & other federal law-enforcement agencies to record interviews. I didn't think this hearing was going to turn into an FBI bashing episode, but it has.
/33 Swalwell asks any R to say "Black lives matter." Gaetz asks him "Do all lives matter?" Swalwell asks again, Gaetz asks about "All lives" again. Gohmert actually says, "Black lives matter." Yes, Louie Gohmert just said that.
/34 Jordan pushes Armstrong amendment, bashes FBI & James Comey. He criticizes Dems for “wanting to study amendment.”
/35 GOP Rep. Ken Buck (Colo.) also says "Black lives matter." Then he mockingly welcomes Swalwell to the "pro-life movement."
/36 Buck says he can't support Armstrong amendment. He's concerned about recording "out-of-custody" interviews.
/37 Armstrong acknowledges his amendment "is the type of reform that is hard to do." He declines to withdraw his amendment so far even as Dems try to stall him
/38 GOP Rep. Debbie Lesko (Ariz.) also says, "Of course, black lives matter. Of course, black lives matters. Of course, my two black grandsons matter." Then talks about "All lives matter" and the pro-life movement.
/39 We've had our first technical snafu of hearing. Nadler recognizes Dem Ted Lieu for remote remarks, but there is no response. Nadler then moves onto Dem Steve Cohen, who is here.
/40 Cohen bashes Republicans for not focusing on the police reform bill. "It's not about Trump. It's not about 'Orange lives matter.'"
/41 Mike Johnson: "Every single human life has inestimable value because it's given to use by our Creator."
/42 We finally have a mention of impeachment 2 hours into the hearing.
/43 And Ted Lieu is now making his remote remotely
/44 Lieu: "If you think this is just a few rogue cops, then you don't understand the problem."
/45 Nadler tells McClintock he should be wearing a mask, but McClintock does nothing.
/46 GOP Rep. Ben Cline (Va.) raises “autonomous zone” in Seattle. He’s 3rd R today to talk about CHAZ & how it’s run by “terrorists” and clearly a threat to rest of country
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