The energy towards J. Cole and Kendrick Lamar is grossly misdirected and frankly—a distraction.

This is what happens when your focus turns from “defeating your oppressor” to “which slave isn’t running fast enough.”
We have a motto in my family—never argue outside of your house. Because your enemy can sense the cracks in your relationship and exploit them.

There are people profiting off of your willingness to remain divided and in dissent at this very moment.

Never forget that.
The Black Community has a complex relationship with itself as well as others.

That’s because we spend the majority of our time trying to fix/cope with issues caused by systemic oppression.

We are cleaning up a mess we didn’t make but arguing about to use the mop bucket.
That’s the dysfunction we are dealing with.

The quality of our progress hinges on our ability to remain socially disciplined.

The GOP survives and thrives not because it’s right—but because they are on message. They can disagree on 90% of an issue, but fall in line on the 10%.
We can agree on 90% but get indignant over the 10% we aren’t aligned on. That’s socially irresponsible, it’s lazy, and it’s selfish.

It’s an entitled attitude that is ENCOURAGED by your oppressor to keep you fractured.

Be wary of movements that segment your grievances.
Because it’s easy to crush Black Rights as a whole when BLM, Trans Lives Matter, Women’s Rights, etc. are all fighting for position at the front of the Equal Rights line.

That impatience and short-sightedness is a calculation by your oppressor.
And your oppressor will even fund your movement, give you a platform, and elevate your demands just to expand your arsenal to destroy one another with.

Mutually Assured Destruction is not just an idea. It’s a real strategy.
You can follow @Dat_Boy_Good.
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