So, I mentioned the upcoming grand conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn last week... let’s take a closer look at that today.
The grand conjunction happens roughly every 20 years, and marks a shift in societal thinking... generational change.
It has the potential to bring great societal changes, preceded by massive upheavals and confusion. We’re in the upheaval and confusion stage now... as humans slowly begin to see how we’ve been hoodwinked into believing things are not true. We’re awakening to the illusion.
This time, Pluto is involved... as it sits just one degree out of the grand conjunction. Pluto, the slowest moving planet (yes, it’s still a planet), has the potential to bring about even more massive change... great awakenings... think enlightenment... think renaissance.
Not surprisingly, this grand conjunction is directly opposed to a Venus/Saturn conjunction on trump’s natal chart, and his natal Pluto... and forming a T-square with his natal Jupiter. This is why he has emerged as the central protagonist in this epoch drama.
To put it simply, trump is a black hole we’re spinning towards... he’s the great destroyer. We have the chance to learn... to reject all the chaos he represents and move on to a more enlightened place, but we must act together. We must find unity... and we are.
Tonight, Mercury will go retrograde in opposition to the grand conjunction. As it does, trump’s messaging without short circuit. Over the next month everything he says and does will further diminish him.
Moving into July we’ll see the Sun/Earth moving into opposition with the grand conjunction... more bad news for trump. New information will come to light that highlights his incompetence and criminal behavior. The economy will crack. His failures will be shown in sharp relief.
In early August, Mars will square the grand conjunction and bring more turmoil... trump’s health will suffer... he will lash out and start battles, but by then the world will stand firmly against him.
In October Mars will retrograde back through the square as we approach the election. It’s going to be messy... but trump will almost be a ghost by then.
After the election, the moon moves through the now almost complete grand conjunction, and I think this will trigger something. My prediction is that trump will attempt to flee the country either November 18 or 19... if he’s even still here.
The grand conjunction will finally come together on December 21... as it passes, the light of the future will brighten... and as if by divine providence, the Sun will come through the grand conjunction on Inauguration Day... shining it’s light on a new path forward.
The future is ours.
Of course, this is all conjecture on my part... conjecture based on over 40 years of study, but conjecture nonetheless. As we move forward I might adjust my views based on events as they unfold. These are my thoughts only. Take them as you wish.
Peace. ✌️
Correction: in tweet 6/ “without” should have been *will. Where’s that damn edit function?
Adding this to the thread... the aftermath.
Adding this thread about the upcoming “Age of Aquarius” we’re entering into, as Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter move into Aquarius. This is a major shift in human development that we get to see in our lifetimes.
Adding to this thread a response thread to the question of whether the GC increases the odds of a presidential death in office:
And the conclusion... I’ve been saying I think trump will try to flee office on 11/18-19/20, as the moon moves through the GC... but a catastrophic health issue could also be a result.
Adding this mini thread on the effects Mars will have over the remainder of the election cycle.
Adding this short thread on Jupiter retrograde and the stock market.
Adding this short thread on Mercury retrograde. Please read as it pertains to this upcoming election.
Adding this thread about the last six weeks before the election. It doesn’t look good for trump. At all.
Adding my thoughts on the first debate to the thread... so far I’m batting pretty well... we’ll see how this pans out.
Adding these thoughts and references regarding trump’s potential health issues compiled in a short thread.
Adding this short thread on Mercury and the last few weeks before the election... particularly how it will impact trump.
Adding an update from October 5... trump is hospitalized and upcoming aspects don’t look great.
Additional update on trump’s health, October 8.
A note about the upcoming town hall with trump.
Adding this thread about the last few days before the election, the markets, etc..
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