"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting" -

The Art of War by Sun Tzu

Some Important Points :

1. CoronaVirus (WuhanVirus)
2. Other then China's all economies are crippling
3. Out of the crisis while others are still there.

Now, the aforementioned looks like an amazing strategic opportunity to take the benefit of the above distraction.

Looks like what china also thought, twisted this crisis to their advantage. How ?

China approved two new administrative divisions in the South China Sea,

--Xisha and Nansha--

Used the Chinese names for the disputed Paracel and Spratly Islands and claiming it in entirety which is also partially claimed by Taiwan, Vietnam, and others.

Released Chinese names for some 80 geographical features in the South China Sea, which are underwater and couldn't be entitled under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

So F**k UN

Chinese survey ships and coast guard regularly operating in its exclusive economic zone of Vietnam. This sort of intimidation and fear is what china is using to bring get his deeds completed.

Talk about favoring neighbors,

- Fishing Moratorium on other countries
- Intruded Malaysia's EEZ's (Exclusive Economic Zone)
- Taiwan Issues
- Harassed Commercial Vehicles from the Philippines.

Hong Kong

The government arrested leading pro-democracy figures which were easy as the protest curbed amid the crisis.

Beijing pushes for national security laws which would help them more to infiltrate and partake in internal matters of hong kong.

- contd-

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It also would help them stop distress which could harm them in the upcoming September elections which china could not loose as predicted, more seats to pro-democratic leaders.

Eventually, help crackdown on the pro-democracy movement there.

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Vulnerable Africa :

It is struggling to cope up with the virus and in need of the much-needed resources to fight. Economic Impact to follow also needs to be boxed.

Who helps ?
China, but only if those countries provide lucrative national assets as collateral.

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More influence in WHO

With the USA suspending its funding to WHO, China pledged millions of dollars.

More influence in WHO means more influence on the global health spectrum and also put away from the world finding the truth behind CoronaVirus.

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Antagonize India

1-Nepal issued new political maps that openly claim Indian territory, supposedly on the behest of China.

2-Subplot by China showcasing it as a catalyst that initiated the tensions on its borders.

The aim is to regain control to its middle kingdom which it had lost control when it was weak(1950's). China believes Tibet as the right hand which is disconnected from its 5 fingers - Ladakh, Nepal , Sikkim , Bhutan & AP.

Obviously, China is using this time to settle the boundary issues on its own term.

While in India we know that the standoff is due to the DSBDBO road along the Galwan River — which runs more or less parallel to the LAC

In China, it is India’s construction activity in the disputed areas with Nepal that has affected China’s border security in Tibet - 80 km stretch of the Lipulekh Pass

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All Sources are from leading newspapers and journals. It could be considered as trustworthy.
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