last night @campkilkare had some really smart things to day about the temptation among trans authors of setting yourself up as the One True Trans Voice. Mostly because there are so few trans authors that each of us are often called on to represent the entire community
I think there is another side to this too; that because there are so few opportunities for trans authors, particularly trans authors writing trans characters, setting yourself up as the One True Trans Voice can seem like the only career move possible.
after all big presses are only going to give one contract to a trans person right? Podcasts and blogs will only run one piece on trans romance. LGBTQ romance lists that come out during Pride will only include one trans romance novel.
When opportunities feel this scarce and the publishing world seems this small every other trans author becomes your enemy. But this is the thing it is easier and has always been easier for white trans men and masc folks to be on top in this industry
and when we strike out at our own community (even couched in language like "people who write trans characters) it is BIPOC trans folks, trans women, transfem, questioning folks and baby trans folks who get hurt.
Also, this is not how any of this is supposed to work. A system that only lets one person at a time sit at the table is a BROKEN system. I am not succeeding if I open a door in this industry and I am the only one who gets to walk through it.
We need to change how the industry thinks about trans authors so we all get opportunities not punch down at each other because we think that might get us ahead.
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