Okay, I don’t normally talk about products on Twitter—and just to be clear, I have no relationship at all with @getsupernatural at all—but if you are a bored fitness person and want an incredible workout, I highly recommend giving this virtual reality workout program a try.
I recently bought an @oculus to learn more about VR. Many things going on in VR are amazing. Nothing has amazed me more than this fitness app. I cannot fully describe how absorbing it is—and the cardio intensity it delivers is very impressive.
No, it’s not cheap. But it’s a whole lot cheaper than the trendy classes people (including me) go to. And an @oculus is a lot cheaper than a Peloton bike. Bottom line: this is a viable workout option for a lot of people—particularly people who have other interests in VR.
You can follow @benjaminwittes.
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