Chinese communist policy is morally and empirically superior to American liberal policy and it isn't even close. I laugh in contempt at the neo-lib and neo-con Washington flunkeyists who act outraged at drawing moral equivalence between the two. It's actually doing a service to
them. Any goal can only be judged by its cost and the results, judging by intent is just specious dishonesty. Let us examine the closest parallel between China and the US which is in confronting Islamic extremism within their domains; Xinjiang for China, the wider Middle East for
the US. The goals are similar; roll back creeping wave of social islamicization, halt immediate threat of sub-state violence by Muslim terrorists, and with regards to the US replacing existing governments with Washington friendly liberal democratic ones. Let's evaluate cost first
China's direct price was in limiting three "freedoms" of the Uighurs. The freedom of movement both domestically and internationally, the freedom of association, and freedom of belief. The Uighurs have for now and the immediate future limitations on all three until sufficient
cooperation is achieved. The trade off is explicit, the red lines clear if broad, and the path to normality is via secularization. Cost on rest of the world or even metropolitan China is marginal, very limited externalities involved for everyone. The price for US policy is a pile
corpses. It's literally hundreds of thousands dead and the state-society balance wrecked by anarchy. Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan. Americans primarily think of these issues as failures in terms of wasted lucre, but really the costs paid by the natives is best summed up by
counting the bodies. They do not have any direct infringements of liberty by an overarching party-state, just the precariousness of living under the murderous thumb of sectarian militias. External costs are massive. Refugee crisis in most neighboring states and millions of
of opportunistic migrants into Europe destabilizing them too. So in terms of price paid, the comparison doesn't really balance between the US and China unless your framework is that of an ideological absolutist where a particular liberal state-society balance Trump's everything.
Let us also look at the results of both policies. Many costs can be justified if they get the desired outcome even if they exceed original estimates. China has achieved both goals, the creeping wave of islamicization in Xinjiang has been arrested and all non-state violence ended
for three years running. Chinese policy achieved desired goals. That outsiders find both policy and goal objectionable doesn't refute this. The end result of American Liberal policy is failure on all fronts. Islamic sectarianism remains unchallenged. Non-state sectarian violence
perpetrated has if anything accelerated compared to the ante-bellum norm and the US is now actively arming and abetting them. Zero functioning Liberal Democratic governments anywhere. Active civil wars everywhere with American supported factions always on the losing side.
That there can be no moral equivalence between totalitarian China and the free USA is true once you realize how evil and destructive American liberal policy has been and continues to be.
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