Progress on trans equality in the UK is under threat.

Misinformation continues to spread, so we wanted to share some stats that show what life is like for trans people right now. Please read & share 👇
There are lots of trans people who are accepted and embraced by their family, friends and at school or work. Which is wonderful and this needs to be the norm for every trans person. But sadly, we know that’s not the case for everyone.
Abuse and discrimination is a near daily experience for many trans people. Two in five trans people (41%) have experienced a hate crime in the last year, and two-thirds of trans young people (64%) are bullied in school just for being who they are.
Most trans people have to wait at least 18 (!) months to get their 1st appointment at a Gender Identity Service – some wait up to 3 years. With COVID-19, it's getting worse. This is stopping many trans people from getting the healthcare support they need. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-51006264
The lives of Black trans people and trans people of colour are hit hard by both racism and transphobia, but very little research exists on their experiences. This must be urgently addressed.
These are not just statistics, they represent the lives of trans people across the UK. Trans people who are our loved ones, friends, colleagues, frontline workers, or maybe even someone you bumped into on the street. They deserve respect, support and ultimately, equality.
Reforming the Gender Recognition Act is one way to make things easier for trans people. But we also need to improve access to healthcare, tackle hate crime and stop trans kids being bullied at school.
We all need to urge the Government not to rollback on equality. Tweet at @BorisJohnson @trussliz @10DowningStreet and email your MP https://www.writetothem.com/  We won’t stop until we have acceptance without exception for every trans person #ComeOutForTransEquality #NotInMyName
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