Aunt Jemima suddenly #woke. If you spend your entire life finding things to be offended about, you'll never LIVE. (FYI to any detractors: I was around to witness the remaking of the brand in the 80s) But let's see what other breakfast products can be deemed insensitive:
Quaker brand not actually by Quakers, and modern Quakers don't dress like that; religious bigotry.

Captain Crunch is offensive to the Royal Navy.

Fruity Yummy Mummy is cultural appropriation of ancient Egypt

Toucans are a threatened species; good bye Toucan Sam
SugaBear erroneously teaches children that bears are cuddly and fun...unless you come across one while camping.

Is the Cuckoo for Coca Puffs bird insensitive to developmentally disabled kids? Perhaps we should call the Audubon Society while we're at it...?
Baby Shark cereal...yup, Sharks hunted for sport around the world and are a threatened species. Jessica Alba should hear about this...

At this rate we'll be back to feeding kids healthy breakfasts without processed grains or sugar. Wouldn't THAT be a hoot? Sorry, Woodsie Owl!
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