Morning. Happy birthday to James Weldon Johnson. Born in LaVilla (Jacksonville), JWJ is the most accomplished amazing man I've come to know. Once was asked what his favorite or most impressive accomplishment. To which he answered that he didn't feel like he'd done anything yet.
He brought the curve ball to JAX at 16 while playing for the JAX Roman Cities (great name!). Met idol Frederick Douglass & US Grant when a young man in JAX. Taught elementary school in rural GA after graduating ATL U with honors.
Became the first black principal in Florida (Stanton). Founded the Daily American. The first daily paper for African Americans. Expanded Stanton into a high school, the first for black students in Florida. When he got caught he just showed the success of his students.
In 1898 he became the first African American to pass the Florida Bar. The test was written but they made him take an oral exam and tried to wear him out but he outlasted the bar. He was elected the President of the Florida Teachers Association. Wrote Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing. w
brother John Rosamond Johnson. Moved to Harlem and became a vibrant Broadway composer. Attended Columbia University. Toured Europe w brother and Bob Cole.
Becomes member Society of International Law. Assigned by Teddy Roosevelt as US Consul to Venezuela and Nicaragua. Marries Grace Nail. Publishes Autobiography of An Ex-Colored Man, the earliest first person narrative of an African American.
Was contributing editor of New York Age. Was a founding member of ASCAP w Irving Berlin, John Phillip Sousa and others. Became member of NAACP. Writes English libretto of Spanish opera Gayescas which is produced at the Metropolitan Opera. Becomes NAACP field secretary.
Leads over 15,000 peaceful protesters down 5th Avenue in the Silent Parade protesting lynching and racial injustice. America's first large peaceful protest. Grew membership of NAACP from 10,000 to 100,000 in one year. Became 1st black leader of NAACP!
Publishes scores of books. First black NYU professor. Professor at Fisk. There's literally not enough ink on Twitter for this legend. Please read Along This Way, his autobiography.

Happy birthday Jim!
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