choice between waterproof or not these modern BaK4 high index Porro style prisms are superb optical quality, as good as the best we had in 1980s and much cheaper, optically they equal the high end brands
often not sold or promoted by birders outlets, I guess they do not get a good markup
google search prices, I have bought from Park Cameras always had good service and price
Notebook & pen
You are now a birder.
What a lot of us did was get to know the birds of a habitat, write out a list of what you could see on a beach or estuary, which is different to a cliff or rocky shore. The act of writing does help some learn, to become familar with names.
Look at photos and videos on web, listen to people but not too much, find out who you are as a birder, no one approach, a lot of people doing different stuff. You do not need to follow crowd.
Have fun!
On the coast or on reservoirs the next step is a telescope, used is a good option. These Nikon telescopes are an option, one of Norfolks most capable people uses one because it is lightweight, he sees more birds than many with best gear.
I am told the downside is a bit of variability in construction, some less sharp optically, a tough one, have a go with one before buying, use others expensive scopes so you learn what a sharp optical image is, if in doubt don’t buy, another will come along.
I am not telling you which famous birders shop sold a mates dodgy one he rejected as being not sharp, I don’t want to be sued. Remmember for all the chat and bigging themselves up they are in buisness to sell. Yes some really good people are in that trade, and I know some who
moved to working for others because they did not like attitude. Just be careful and don’t think endorsed by influencers TV celebs, big names means anything it does not. Shop around and buy from camera outlets etc not only in bird shops.
Money is a barrier for some starting, make your money work for you not somebody else. Some “bird” companies are good, but bottom line you need to look for best price if money is tight.
Some sort of insulated seat pad is a good idea, as sitting down and waiting learning how to be still, let birds start to ignore you and do things is a good thing to learn, if your arse is cold & wet you are less comfortable
waterproofs, some outdoor shoes, a warm hat, and not jeans they are cold as hell when wet, you get the idea, a water bottle, you need to be comfortable not hiking at speed so you probably need an extra layer.
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