1/ I’m new to Twitter, I’ve never posted, I’m not interested in followers, likes or retweets. I’m here to keep track of what’s going on in the world. That being said, I feel compelled to voice these thoughts.
2/ I recently watched #SquareOne on Prime & to say that I’m shocked to my core is an understatement. Did we really stand by & let the media dehumanise & demonise an innocent man?
3/ It’s always been easy to ignore his fans & brush their message off as a refusal to let go of an icon because he had an amazing talent. This interpretation couldn’t be further from the truth. I can now fully appreciate why his legions of fans fiercely defend him to this day.
4/ It’s not the love of an icon nor his music, it’s about moral judgement & preventing the media from trying cases in the court of public opinion & influencing public perspective with sensationalist, & often fabricated, headlines. We have a judicial system for a reason.
5/ Before anyone starts, don’t dare come at me with a comparison to OJ & “guilty people get off with it all the time”. For one, that’s a ridiculous comparison & there’s a reason that all criminal cases aren’t tried by the same judge & jury.
6/ Secondly, there was a dead body & no denying a crime had taken place. His blood was at the crime scene & the victim’s blood was found at his home & in his car. What evidence is available against Jackson? He befriended a family. That’s it, period.
7/ Don’t even get me started on the boy’s father. He’s really talking money before going to law enforcement or even filing a law suit? If Jackson had been a paedophile then surely that would have been the dream scenario? A father ready to essentially pimp out his child for money.
8/ I defy anyone to watch #SquareOne & deny Jackson’s innocence. If you do, you’re no better than the media. I‘m certain that you aren’t concerned for CSA victims, you simply want & need Jackson to be guilty to convince yourself that you haven’t been duped all of these years.
9/ Rant over. I never thought I’d be saying this. To those of you getting the message out, keep going. I promise you that it’s working. You have my utmost respect.
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