At their last development day, our Youth Commission on Care Experience decided to spend their workshop time on taking action to support #BlackLivesMatter .

They decided to research and amplify black voices. Here are some of the resources they recommend:
An organisation to support: Black Minds Matter is a UK wide organisation that helps to cover costs for Black people seeking therapy and mental health services: https://www.blackmindsmatteruk.com/ 
Great threads about #BlackLivesMatter : https://twitter.com/rauhling_bizzle/status/1269675886522990592?s=19
“Pet”- by Akwaeke Emezi ( @azemezi) – featuring a black trans girl as well as diverse family models and non-verbal communication. The author is a non-binary PoC.
“Full Colour” Anthology from Knight Errant Press ( @KnightErrantPub) - local small publisher with a focus on queer and PoC stories; this is an anthology made by BAME young people about their life experiences as BAME young people in Scotland.
L. L. McKinney ( @ElleOnWords) - author of the "A Blade So Black" series, a reimagining of Alice in Wonderland with a black teenage protagonist, and creator of the Twitter hashtag #WhatWoCWritersHear
And last but definitely not least, great person to follow: Munroe Bergdorf ( @MunroeBergdorf)
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