Now: @tomfriedman: "This virus is not transmitted all that easily." Well, SARSCOV2 is more infectious than influenza, with no vaccine in sight. 3/
. @tomfriedman: "the rest of us can go about our business, but with policies in place to regulate any interactions we might have with higher-risk people." This is Katz' herd immunity plan once again, grossly over-simplistic and wrong. 4/
Really, what is wrong with @tomfriedman? Seriously. The male ego is a scary thing. LOTS of people have been writing about harm reduction in the context of #COVID19, but Tom seems just stuck on recommending the exact same thing he did in a debunked column from a few months ago. 5/
And @tomfriedman doesn't seem interested in learning new things, enriching his knowledge of COVID19. And he has the platform of the @NYTimes. It's just so depressing. Ugh. end/
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