Although it is no-longer #ThemeTuesday, I think I will appropriate #ThemeWednesday and use this to highlight some of the excellent @UniOfYork work going on in the #Creativity theme. Here comes the Creativity Thread...
First of all I have to mention my own dear @AudioLabYork in @UoYElecEng who have, for more than 30 years been delivering #audio #acoustics #music technology focussed research and impact in collaboration with industry and the creative sector.
@DansResearch is a brilliant example looking at creative immersive VR gaming environments for autistic children.
How about @labsofdc an @EPSRC impact led research hub delivering leading work in digital creativity encompassing many of our Departments including @UoY_CS - @VJHodge is one of our researchers who has been bringing their data analytics and AI skills to many of our projects.
Of course we can't mention @labsofdc without the amazing @weavrtv project - Esports, data and storytelling that will transform how audiences interact with sporting events - an industry led project and driven by the boundless energy of @blockflorian
It is a short hop from @labsofdc to @TFTI_UoY who bring together teaching, practice and research in theatre, film, television and interactive media, with some of the most exciting work emerging from where these disciplines intersect.
Who better to demonstrate this than @Mariana_J_Lopez whose work ranges from historic #soundscapes to enhancing audio description to bring better storytelling experiences to more diverse audiences (oh, and #Zumba !!)
Leaping from one side of campus to the other, and with one foot still firmly in how we have told stories to diverse audiences is @thinicepress and the work of @conversiontales and @jtwelsch in @UoYEnglish
And if we're still considering historical perspectives how about @Tudorgentleman in @YorkHistoryDept and his leading work with colleagues in @ArtHistoryYork on @VSS_Project - Go check out @CandCYork and their amazing research into the visualisation and interpretation of the past
(Of course I have also convinced @Tudorgentleman as to the joy of sound and acoustics which then resulted in our own collaboration on @ListentoCommons with @CatrionaCooper - more on this work soon...)
We're almost at @Music_at_York who pretty much invented multidisciplinary approaches to music research/practice giving rise to modern #MusicTechnology #discuss but let's focus on award winning composer @mcs42 & his work 'Meditation' including crowd sourced church bell recordings
We've crossed campus now so let's instead consider large cross-campus projects @screen_network is brand new and will support the screen industries in Yorkshire and Humber in collaboration with our Yorkshire Universities and @screenyorkshire
@jon_swords is a key part of this project delivering research into the economy and geography of the creative industries - never more important than at this current time.
@jon_swords and @screenyorkshire along with @BFI are all part of delivering @XR_Stories one of @ahrcpress @CE_Programme #CreativeClusters - let's say we're going to be the future of #immersive and #interactive #storytelling - I'm lucky enough to be the Director of this project.
@XR_Stories - and so many of these projects - are about @UniOfYork #creativity themed partnership & collaboration with our #creative sector. @XR_Stories and @screen_network are there to directly support our creative sector - @UniOfYork working at the heart of our society & region
So a final shout out to some of our brilliant collaborators and the amazing work they do in our City @MakeItYork and region, and the inspiration, value and richness they bring to our research...
@YorkMediale @tomhigham and the changing shape of what York is more widely known for @CityofMediaArts
@pilot_theatre @estherichardson and their brilliant and important work in bringing theatre to young audiences and the technological innovation they bring to their storytelling
@YorkArtGallery and @reyahn2 - what amazing exhibitions we have had in recent years - @KaiserChiefs
@brightwhiteltd - one of #Createch100 UK companies in the creative and digital sector set to change the way we connect, consume and create 
@BetaJesterLtd delivering VR, games and immersive experiences and always looking to collaborate...
@RevSoftGames and @CharlesCecil have been at the forefront of interactive narrative-led games for such a long time - still leading, still innovating #BeyondASteelSky
Who have I missed? Many I am sure - and for that I apologise! I hope this gives a flavour of what @UniOfYork @UoY_Themes #creativity means to us - and the partners we work with /Ends.
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