Have followed @Dannythefink for while and often get a lot from his takes, but this is not best of them. The very least he could do is look into countervailing evidence. First, on claim it's 'hard to find anyone who thinks there isn't a distinction between sex and gender"/
It really isn't hard- an entire poststructuralist tradition, most obviously connected with Judith Butler, dominates some parts of humanities. Butler claims precisely that there is no difference between sex and gender, both are culturally constructed and immaterial. This approach/
taken up by activist groups such as Gendered Intelligence. A second sort of activist will say (in certain moods) that OF COURSE there is a difference between sex and gender but will also say that womanhood is defined in terms of gender. This is not what the 70s feminists who/
introduced the original distinction (e.g. Ann Oakley) meant. They meant a difference between a) femaleness/womanhood and b) social stereotypes of femaleness/womanhood. You don't get from that to "trans women are women" without a lot of extra shimmying.

Second, on Finkelstein's/
claim that the chances of someone pretending to be a woman for nefarious purposes are "effectively zero" - it's just lazy not to look for countervailing evidence. At the 2015 Trans Enquiry, for instance, this submission from British Association of Gender Identity Specialists:/
It has been rather naïvely suggested that nobody would seek to pretend transsexual status in prison if this were not actually the case. There are, to those of us who actually interview the prisoners, in fact very many reasons why people might pretend this."

Those who work in/
criminal law know that there are many reasons generally why males might take advantage of increased contact with females in places where they undress, sleep, or might have their guard down. The criminal cases of Karen White and Katie Dolatowski confirm this. Finkelstein's example
is of access to woman-only resources rather than spaces: but it seems crazy to deny human nature generally includes the capacity to use new opportunities to cheat. Woman-only resources around world include sporting scholarships, prizes, lower insurance premiums, different pension
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