Orchard Villa is now confirmed as a place of suspected mass murder. Watch CBC's story. It was intentional.

🟢 This requires a homicide investigation in addition to a full public inquiry.

🟢 Ideally survivors should be transferred out.

🟢 The building should be demolished.
🟢 The land should become a memorial to the victims. And a permanent reminder for future generations to never turn away from your elders again.
71 people died.

We need to know how many were murdered.
Southbridge needs to cease operating.

They all do.

Banish them from Ontario.
Tell their outrageously overpaid Conservative consultants they'll need to move out of province or out of Canada if they want to enrich themselves off old people killed by neglect or murder.

The To Do List for the #SaveandRebuildOntario2022 government is getting very long.
Make sure to watch the CBC investigative story:

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