#HalJohnson’s story about how his dream of becoming a reporter @TSN_Sports was thwarted not because he lacked talent, but because he was #Black & #TSN already had its one Black reporter, reveals that racial quotas benefiting White workers existed in #CDNmedia as late as 1988.
Were racial quotas in place in other Canadian media organizations in 1988 other than @TSN_Sports? If so, for how long did these racial quotas exist? How much money was lost by #BIPOC journalists who were denied jobs/promotions because of this entrenched quota system? #CDNmedia
Does an unspoken racial quota system benefiting #White workers exist in 2020 in #CdnMedia organizations & if so, might that explain the lack of racial diversity in senior leadership/decision-making positions? If not, how do we explain the disparity in representation? #HalJohnson
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