It's interesting to see.. if ever there was a time that a "dictator" could have power... it would be right now. With all 50 states STILL at a state of emergency, the President has more power right now than any President in history. (At least to my knowledge).

And yet amidst the
chaos of Corona and these riots and now this hilarity that is...CHAZ.. what do we see? We see him constantly give states their sovereignty to run themselves. He only steps in when it's necessary to, when those leaders have failed beyond control, but only after he first verbally
tells them to fix it.

We also see governors and mayors as the true mini dictators. Making rules that ONLY apply for some and letting them completely go for others. States where you're more likely to go to jail for letting your kids play on a playground than letting them burn
down or deface/destroy federal buildings. (I wish that was hyperbole)

One day our grandkids will look back on this moment n be like "how did that ever happen? That doesn't even make sense". You can let them know that it was because we elected a man who was FOR the people and
the inner circle of elites hated him for it and the did everything possible to push socialism in the process.

When they ask why "the President allowed it to happen", you can tell them "he was smarter than them. He let them punch themselves out. He let them waste their money on
all of these events. He let them show who they really were to the American people. They could no longer hide behind the things they said, because their actions spoke louder than their words EVER could. He knew they would circle around the few extreme left people they believed
would agree with them n that the media would have their back. He also knew that they (the crazy Dems) would drive moderate Dems away from the democratic party completely. (This isn't just conjecture.. i was just talking with a neighbor yesterday who corrected me "my husband is a
conservative, im a teacher and a lifelong Democrat.. but they've lost their minds. I didn't really like Trump at first but I'll be be voting for him in this election. I really wish he'd send in the NG to every city, including ours to squash these rioters n looters.")

worry.. this will only happen so long before he puts his foot down and takes care of the problem yet again.. just like he did with the ventilators and testing issues.

The states couldn't find their butts with both hands. We as a nation are not suppose to wait for the federal
government to solve our problems.. that kind of defeats the purpose of being sovereign states. The federal government is backup. Since it's shared by all states, there's no way it can or should support all states. States are their own first line of defense and they have failed n
failed n failed these last few months.

Stay tuned.. he's about to fix it yet again. Long point... THEY are what they say HE is:
Working w/ the Russians
Quid pro Quo
Etc etc etc

Thank you Mr. President n Happy belated Birthday Sir. We've got your 6 Sir.
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