Since people are discussing Angela Davis there are few things to remember. She did not contribute anything Marxist. She has consistently stood on the side of revisionism and opportunism (yes, even back then) and here is why:
Davis was part of the degenerated CPUSA. It had already been revisionist for some decades by the time she joined. It is important to remember that they had links with USSR during the Kruschev (and onward) era. An era of social-imperialism.
After her arrest, she was turned into a poster child for “Black Liberation”, artificially done by the CPUSA which is why she toured the revisionist Eastern Bloc. She was the "poster child" while actual revolutionaries such as those in the BPP were being killed and imprisoned.
It gets juicier. She separates her trial from Ruchell Magee, enjoying the artificial support from the CPUSA and Eastern Bloc, while Ruchell Magee sits in prison. Numerous committees were formed across the US and even in revisionist countries to support Davis.
On top of this, the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (a CPUSA front) was formed and did not take ANY cases for Panther members. Remember, although eclectic, the BPP supported China and not Moscow. Support from Davis' CPUSA for Panther members?
The revisionist CPUSA saw the Panthers as “adventurists” and “ultra.” Davis has nothing to do with the Panthers. She was never a member. She does not have any equal footing as any of them let alone the revolutionaries in the BLA such as Assata Shakur.
It is sheer identity politics to even conflate the two. It guts political distinctions and treats them as if both were revolutionaries. Assata was part of an org that killed cops and drug pushers, studied (although eclectic) Marxism-Leninism and understood the necessity of armed
struggle. Davis on the other hand did not. She studied and was literally taught by fucking Marcuse, who did work for the US government for a time! Part of the revisionist “New Left.” And she was part of the revisionist CPUSA which supported Soviet social-imperialism.
For more on this, a good interview is with a former Panther (of the Panther 21) and BLA member who was imprisoned for 19 years, Dhoruba Bin Wahad.
Davis also has not contributed anything to Marxism. If y’all want to read from revolutionary Marxist women, study Movimiento Feminino Popular and Anuradha Ghandy.
China especially provided great lessons on what prisons and rectification would look like under socialism. A great resource on this is Allyn Rickett’s “Prisoners of Liberation,” a spy from the US who was imprisoned and transformed his outlook.
Here is an audio interview:
Also, this doesn’t need much explanation, but instead of proposing fighting for revolution, she literally is saying vote for the pedo BIDEN! Someone who also backed racist policies and who is an imperialist war monger!
She is also saying the masses shouldn’t get peoples justice from those who have done them wrong! Forget about revolution! Isn’t this the liberal line of treating all violence as the same?!
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