My sisters @Fiona_Kamikazi @LucyMbabazi, I read your tweets about the 64% (female MPs) and I wanted to respond that GBV and anti-rape legislation are not women's issues requiring only women's voices. They concern all of society. We must hold 100% of legislators accountable. /⬇️
Your anger while legitimate is misplaced. The work of women activists, politicians (supported by the President and First Lady)...speaks for itself. We stand on the shoulders of giants (salute Pro-femmes!).
That said, I am not sure the issue is legislation or political will. Let us consider several factors. The ten year old girl recently raped by her father. All we hear is that the mother refused to report because she does not have the financial means to support the children herself
The father is mostly forgotten. In our society, shame is always a woman's. When a man becomes CEO, he is congratulated, so is his wife (murakize we!). When a women becomes CEO, baha pole umugabo. Seriously. Shamed when successful. Shamed when vulnerable.
I say this to say that our society doesn't suffer from lack of laws but society's views and bad cultural norms (not all is bad). So what should be done? Back to the mother. We need to contextually study & implement programs to empower women's financial independence.
This is the bottom line. And where we see society's encouraged male fragility laid bare. The majority (not minority) of men cannot abide to not control a woman financially. In fact, read the research on the rise of GBV in Rwanda.
Why are men threatened by a women with financial autonomy (even when all other factors controlled)? Is it because our society links manhood to financial dominance? Not partnership, dominance. It starts young. It permeates everything.
A young women who buys a house before marriage is not celebrated but told to keep it absolutely quiet so she won't miss out on the accomplishment of her life, a husband. Because you can't own several houses as life partners and lovers 🤷🏿‍♀️
I know you know more about this than me so let's move to the next point. We must find a way to shift the shame of molestation, rape, GBV to the criminal. It needs to become a stronger 'Kirazira' than loosing a ministerial post for accepting a $500 bribe.
It should be very costly on a legal and societal level. What happens now is that a "rich kid" who drugged women we all know and sexually assaulted them is already almost reintroduced into society when he should have drinks poured over him for the rest of his life.
Also, we need to think holistically about how to take the decision out of parents hands in the case of rape/abuse of a minor. I'm thinking a toll free number like 114 (and the public campaign that goes with it) where children can report and get removed from homes
when the trained professionals decide it's in child's best interest. We need to create a special social fund and confidential shelters to help these children and victims of GBV. These are just ideas of a non-specialist. The point is you have got to go to the root of the issue.
This is before court proceedings by the way. We need to place children and victim safety/mental health first.
The father raped his daughter because he thought he would get away with it and because his wife was absolutely dependent. And anyone who thinks this is uncommon should ask sisters their relationships with older male relatives. Mwakwiheba.
Finally, one has to ask our brothers, what it will take for you to care enough about these issues to act? You cannot understand the harm it has and continues to do to girls and women.
Last quick point, I hope we can have in near future pay journalists who give us regular in depth reviews of what MPs are working on. They work, we just don't know what on. I would pay a subscription to get regular news like this. Proper analysis.
Same for all public offices. Not gossip, analysis. I hope I can make a contribution to this (towards supporting the media fraternity) in the future. /End
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