Said it before, will say it again. This is player business. They’re informed on the issues. They have the option to not play.I don’t think it’s right they have to give up ANY money but 1/92nd is not debilitating at least. They are empowered and informed.
Players have never been more empowered, never had more allies in media, even if it remains stacked against them on multiple fronts. They have a better, more informed union than in the past.
The league was always going to try and resume. There’s not “a lot of money’ on the line. There’s not “an incredible amount of money” on the line. There is an inconcieviable amount with ramifcations that run through multiple industries (including two of mine).
But at the same time, if the players are empowered and informed and still decide to make this decision, individually or collectively, we should respect that too and stop screaming from the heavens to cancel it because either way, it’s happening. Train’s leaving the station.
I’m not really here for performative “THIS SHOULDN’T BE HAPPENING THIS IS HORRIBLE” and I’m DEFINITELY not here for shut up and dribble.
If a player elects to miss the resumption because of BLM, he should and will get a tremendous amount of respect and support to go with what I am sure is an ample amount of bullshit to deal with as well.
But again, all of these things are things the players know. And some players are cautiously and diligently wrestling with decisions I myself don’t and won’t have to make and I have endless empathy for them.
And some players are probably more concerned with the fact that staying in the Disney World bubble sounds like IT SUCKS BIG TIME. People don’t have the same priorities or approaches to life.
But I’ll also say this, the league is leaking things with an agenda, teams are leaking things with an agenda and you can absolutely believe players, on their own or through agents, are doing the same. Everything playing out through media channels is purposeful.
And if the players collectively decided not to play to stand for justice, that’s a powerful sacrifice they’re making not just now, not just in July, not just this season but next season and going forward. That’s worth admiration and a collective understanding of the ramifications
The league is doing the best it can to keep up a multi-billion dollar business with hundreds of branching businesses and interests, and the players are doing their best to navigate the times, and we’ll see what happens.
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