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before starting with this i just want to say that one of the best things in the world is to show some selflove.if you wanna be really happy, you should start with loving yourself and stop complaining about all the things you dont like and start appreciating them or change it for+
good. im sharing this because it is what has been helping me lately so i hope these can help you too.hope you enjoy and start working in that self love.
1.learn how to spend time alone and enjoy it, this is the moment you start learning from yourself and appreciating it.
2.get away of those who disturb your peace and make you feel that you are not enough. you're always enough and you matter, always remember that.
3. stop depending on the happiness of others. be your own happiness, feel satisfied with yourself
4. learn something new everyday. history, how to play an instrument, drawing etc.
5. stop looking for other people approval, if you feel great and you can be yourself w/o hiding, thats the right place.
6. take notes and wrote down all the good things people had said about you.dont let the bad comments take you down.
7. never expect nothing from anybody.
8. take sometime for yourself and treat you well. dance, paint, do some facemask, sing, etc. do something you really enjoy and love everyday.
9. dont compare yourself with no one. it maybe can be hard but you are unique and special.theres no one like you in the world and you have to start believing in that.
10. believe in yourself. set your goals, make plans and work hard for all the things you want. dont let anyone bring you down.
11. learn how to love your mind and body. be positive, be humble, be real, be human. be you.
12. go outside and connect with nature, breath in and breath out. stay silent and hear all the things the world said to us.
13. surround yourself with people of good and positive vibes.
14. understand this
15. again, take care of yourself, physical and mental healt are really important. hope this works for you as it does for me โ™ก
and yeah, this is definetly not everything but i think they are the most important ones. hope you guys like and enjoy this. remember you are enough and you got this. believe in yourself. do your own research and do what you think may work for you
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