Elizabeth Warren is not a hypocrite for participating in a fundraiser with Joe Biden. She always said she would support any of the other candidates if she wasn't the nominee, as well as saying if she was the nominee she would support fundraisers for the Democratic party. /1
She didn't want high dollar fundraisers for her own campaign. She talked about this all over the campaign trail. When she did have those types of fundraisers running for senate she felt that a lot of the big donors would have asks that made her uncomfortable. /2
This is why she changed her strategy in the primary. She also said at one point she didn't believe in unilateral disarmament and would consider other fundraisers in the general. Something she walked back once she realized she had grass roots support. /3
Her issues with the high dollar fundraisers were not even with the fundraisers themselves. Her issues were that they were often closed to the press, and people had a right to know what was going on behind closed doors. What was being asked of candidates when we couldn't see? /4
This is what spurned the "wine cave" stuff with Pete. It was never about wine caves. It was always about transparency and if he was selling access to his time. This was why selfie lines were a thing for her. Nobody was prevented from talking to her. /5
All you had to do was wait in line. Now this narrative that she's somehow a hypocrite is spiraling out as clickbait headline material because for some reason all these news reporters want to find a reason to tear her down. It's pretty obvious she should be the VP. /6
You don't go to this much effort to smear someone unless you are afraid of the change they'll bring. While she was trying to get the other candidates to get big money out of their campaigns they all refused. /7
Some agreed to her ideas, like signing a pledge not to name any of their donors an ambassador (something Mayor Pete wouldn't do though hmmm). Initially everybody seemed onboard with not taking PAC money. Until they were onboard with it. /8
Yet she was seen as the hypocrite. She didn't take corporate PAC money. She didn't even take any of the PAC money for the PAC that was supporting her. It was funded by other people, and she literally had no control over it. /9
The only difference in how she treated that PAC was earlier she would gently suggest people not form a PAC. When everyone else decided to "just be players in the game" and have their own PACs, she decided to stop playing by the harder set of rules. /10
Just the magnitude of hate for her boggles my mind, and that no matter what she does, people somehow twist it into her doing something contradictory, when in reality she's trying to do better than everybody else, and gets judged for it because she's held to a higher standard /11
Newsflash, she's already holding herself to a higher standard. She doesn't need the press to make up a bunch of bullshit to set the bar even higher. /12
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